Don’t let things get to you Sisters. That’s what I kept repeating myself yesterday as I was reading my “long time no seen” newspapers. I haven’t had time to read it for over a month. Mind you, I only receive the weekend edition but anyway, the pile was getting higher and I had some “slow” time so I decided to take the bull by the horns and read them all.
“Oh dear… WHAT? I can’t believe it… OMG!!! OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooo… We’re in trouble… Please…”
I noticed I was frowning more and more as I was going through the news (who were not so new after all that time! hahaha!) but mostly, and that worried me A LOT, that I stopped breathing and that I felt scared, worried, sad, upset and depressed…
All my energy felt like melted caramel on a pile of ice cream. It was slowly going downhill! Not sticking at all but leaving and going down. I was depressed! YEAH! DEPRESSED! And I felt bad/sad for my fellow human beings. Started to wonder what is going to happen to us all? And to the future generations? Really… what’s with us? Can’t we see things, make things happen, make things better, DO BETTER?!
And it hit me: if you want to shine a light in the world, you’ve got to take care of that light and not let things get to you. They are human experiences. Don’t take things too personally. SHINE! Turn on the light. Do YOUR best. Smile at others. Keep your focus on the GOOD… and your vibrations will reach the places they are needed.
Sisters, even in the places where laughter and joy are NOT seen as a gift from heaven, there is a greater need of it. The more we will shine and love ourselves and bond in joy, the better we’ll all be!
That was my 2₵ for today!
Sending you all my love and my laughter
Be well
Your HAHA Sister, Linda