Recently, I realized that over the years, my body has changed. Skin is not as smooth as it was, hair is not as shiny, figure is rounder… and I was not so happy about all that! I was starting to not like what I was becoming as I grow older.
A few weeks ago, after what felt like a sprint of working long hours and days, I thought I deserved a reward! So I treated myself to a facial with a friend of mine being an amazing beautician. “Your skin is so dry…” was her first comment to me. HA! Like this is something to be surprised when you live in a cold country for half of the year! Winter in Canada can be a bit brutal sometimes and this year was – let’s put it this way – brutal. She offered me the high moisturizing treatment and started to put a “rubbery feeling” type of mask on my face. I only had small holes to allow me breathing space and had to keep it for 20 some minutes.
Well… when she removed the mask and put it in her hands, I almost fell off of the table! Why? Because I saw the expression lines on it and how deep they were! I just knew something has happened to myself. Something BIG!
Let me explain something to you.
A bit of background here
I used to have wrinkles between each eyebrow. The kind of lines you see on someone dealing with stress and worries. The kind you see on someone frowning. A lot!
But there, on the inside of that mask were deep, clear lines on each side of my eyes… laughter lines, and a very faint sign of worry lines! The big nasty ugly frown lines were almost gone!!! Really.
I’ve been told many times that laughing creates wrinkles on your face and I’ve been replying to those people that these lines I wouldn’t mind creating as they are happy lines. And there they were! Thick, present, beautiful laughter lines!
Ok. That might not have changed the way I’m feeling about my hair, my skin and my figure. But I sure feel way better about myself and the fact that I’m able to grow older with a lighter heart and am able to laugh at all that bothers me.
Seriously. I think I fell back in love with myself!
How about you Sisters? Do you think you can fall in love with yourself, even with your imperfect beautiful self? Tell me…
Love and laughter, always
Your HAHA Sister, Linda