We Care

We Nurture

We Love

WE Protect

We Support
What it is
Welcome to the HAHA SISTERHOOD palace, your home on the web, where you can celebrate your beautiful gift of laughter, and share it with all of us!! Here is a place, for all the women of the world to see that by laughing more, we can have a true, a beautiful and real impact on the world! This community is a group of women who decide and commit to laugh every single day. Sisters, Let’s LAUGH!

Our Credo is really simple
The HAHA SISTERHOOD is for all the wonderful women who laugh! We have a TREMENDOUS POWER in us. ONE single woman laughing can change the whole world. When you laugh, you change… and your children change when they see you laughing… and then your families. And the community. And the tribe. And the nation. And the whole world! So Sister,
Commit to….
Laugh every single day of your life.
– That doesn’t mean you won’t have a life crisis. It’s okay to be sad once in a while. It happens. But smiling and laughing every single day (after you’re done crying!) might just keep you off anti-depressants!
Make sure you are seen laughing every single day.
– If you keep laughter to yourself, then the ripple effect is going to be small! Hearing or seeing someone laughing makes it happen!
Be there to help a Sister to laugh.
– For those times when a Sister might go through a rough patch or is caught up in her own seriousness, be there to remind her, take her hand and laugh with her! Sisters don’t let Sisters down! And
Never go to bed without having done something positive for you and for someone else.
– It is most important to take care of ourselves. Be kind, gentle and loving to yourself… then be kind to people you meet. It might simply be to pay a compliment, smile to a stranger, tell yourself “I did my very best today… and I love my hair!” before you fall asleep! Be grateful for your life! I am!
Want to connect, share, bond and start your week with laughter? Linda Leclerc will be laughing with all Sisters present, every Monday at noon (ET) for 30 minutes.
Are you a member of our FB group? Do join us there too!